You can now listen to a podcast of Class 7 of our “mini-course,” Thoughts on Spiritual Life, at
Here are the notes from the website describing this class:
“As we continue our Thoughts on Spiritual Life, we begin Part II, Chapter 1 of *Unseen Warfare*, on the Holy Eucharist. Tonight we read only the very beginning of the chapter and then were sidetracked onto several topics concerning Holy Communion that were of concern to those attending the class. I made at least one factual mistake: the last elder of Optina was not Nazary but Nectary. Because tonight’s discussion was unplanned and completely spontaneous, it is rather disjointed and fragmentary, and, at times, emotional. There is some controversial matter and some opinions expressed by me – with serious misgivings – about the currently controverted question of frequency of and preparation for Holy Communion. . But there is probably something to be gained by listening to the talk – useful things here and there. For the specifics on preparing for Holy Communion, speak to your own spiritual father.”