CliffsNotes on the Philokalia for Dummies

2 January OS 2016 – Forefeast of Theophany; St. Sylvester, Pope of Rome; St. Seraphim, Wonderworker of Sarov

Today, the second of January, is the day of the repose of a great saint of recent times, Seraphim of Sarov, who passed over into the heavenly kingdom on this day in 1833.   You can begin learning about this wonderful saint at, where you will find a short Life followed by many links to sites where you can read more about him.

In recent times, St. Seraphim has played a critical part in converting many non-Orthodox Christians to the Faith, including me.   His Conversation with Motovilov is a short summary of the entire spiritual life from the Orthodox point of view. It tells the “converts” and the non-Orthodox, in a few thousand words, without saying so directly, why everyone should leave Roman Catholicism and Protestantism and just become Orthodox. For “ethnic cradle Orthodox” it tells you in a few thousand words, “Yes, that is why I could never be anything but Orthodox, though I never knew why!”

You might call it “CliffsNotes on the Philokalia for Dummies.” You can find it at

So…get out that prayer rope and start using it. That’s a great way to start 2016! 



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