Monthly Archives: August 2024

The God of the living

Friday of the Tenth Week of St. Matthew Listen to an audio podcast of this post at–61209515 In today’s Gospel, the Sadducees reveal their hypocrisy and spiritual bankruptcy by asking the Lord a non-question, in order to trip Him … Continue reading

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The believing mind

Thursday of the Tenth Week of St. Matthew You can listen to an audio podcast of this post at–50949641 In the Gospel today, we see the chief priests and Pharisees refusing to repent and, instead, hardening their hearts against … Continue reading

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Thy face, O Lord, do I seek; hide not Thy face

16 August OS – Afterfeast of the Dormition; Feast of the Icon of the Lord “Not Made by Hands” Listen to an audio podcast of this post at–56627182 Today, the sixteenth of August, we honor the Holy Mandylion, the … Continue reading

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Living with integrity

Tuesday of the Tenth Week of Matthew You can listen to an audio podcast of this post at–61168851 In the Gospel today, Our Lord confronts the chief priests and elders with their self-serving hypocrisy: And when he was come … Continue reading

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The joy of the Cross

Wednesday of the Eighth Week of St. Matthew You can listen to an audio podcast of this post at In today’s reading from the Gospel, the Lord foretells His suffering and death to the Apostles:  At that time, Jesus … Continue reading

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The miracle of faith

Monday of the Eighth Week of St. Matthew Listen to an audio podcast of this post here:–56202397 In today’s reading from the Holy Gospel, the Lord refuses to give the leaders of the Jewish nation a “…sign from heaven,” … Continue reading

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The still, small voice

Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Matthew  Listen to an audio podcast of this post at–60938565 Today’s Gospel reading recounts Herod’s wickedly killing St. John the Baptist, which ever after tormented his conscience. At that time Herod the tetrarch … Continue reading

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Real courage

Thursday of the Sixth Week of Matthew You can listen to an audio podcast of this commentary at In today’s Gospel reading, the Lord Jesus teaches the disciples that He permits the existence and intermingling of both the good and … Continue reading

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